About Us
We are a collective of scholars, authors, and creatives whose work interrogates the architecture of inequality, and contributes to the design of a more liberatory future. We center the research and narratives of Black people, Indigenous people, and all People of Color in the production of knowledge and culture.

© Bryce Vickmark. All rights reserved. www.vickmark.com 617.448.6758
Our Story
The idea for the collective emerged from conversations amongst various scholars of color–mostly women– about our work. These conversations elucidated a significant disparity in both the opportunities for work and the compensation for work between us and our colleagues who were White and/or male. This disparity is part of what maintains the very systems designed to oppress some people through the unfair distribution of resources.
It is critical for institutions and companies to operate in a way that considers this, as they make their plans for enacting institutional change. The Díaz Collective exists to assert our value and the value of the work that is required in the design of the systems that will support an inclusive and just future.